How To Find a QC Kinetix – Info

If you’re having difficulty moving around or sleeping, joint pain may be a sign of an underlying health condition. Your doctor can help you find treatment options that will improve your quality of life. Joint pain is a very distracting and debilitating condition. The human body has 250 to 350 joints, and damage to these joints may be caused by overuse, injury, or a condition. For these reasons, it’s important to seek joint pain treatment early. Get the facts about Decatur sports medicine see this.

A specialist in orthopedics can offer joint pain treatment options that can help you find relief from the painful symptoms. A thorough physical examination will allow your doctor to determine the cause of the joint pain. He or she will also check the current function of your joints. The doctor may order tests to determine the exact problem. Joint pain is a common complaint, and there are many different options for treatment. Your doctor will help you understand all of these options. If you have any questions or concerns, contact a specialist today.
Physical therapy may be an option for a mild case of joint pain. This type of therapy helps to heal the joint after an injury or stress. Physical therapy can also help restore strength, stability, and flexibility to the joint. In more severe cases, however, doctors may suggest surgery or arthroscopy. In the meantime, you may have to refrain from activities that make your joint pain worse, such as driving, walking long distances, or playing sports. However, you should avoid sitting for prolonged periods of time, and try to stay active while your joint heals.
If your joint pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever or swelling, you should visit a healthcare provider for further diagnosis. Joint pain can be caused by an unrelated condition such as a muscle strain or a bone fracture. Early diagnosis will help you to control the pain and prevent further complications. It is important to visit a healthcare professional if your joint pain is severe, accompanied by fever or weight loss. Often, milder cases of joint pain respond well to rest and self-care measures.
Some patients may benefit from injections to relieve their pain. Steroid injections, which are most commonly used in cases of arthritis, are injected into painful joints. These injections may mask underlying joint damage or injuries, so they are not a permanent solution. It is a good idea to talk with a doctor if you’re worried about the side effects of these procedures. They can help you avoid surgery, which may be an option for you.


QC Kinetix (Decatur)
200 E Ponce de Leon Ave, Suite 275
Decatur, GA 30030
(770) 285-8026
