QC Kinetix : Treatment Options

If you’re experiencing joint pain, you should first see a doctor for a diagnosis. Early diagnosis and treatment will improve your quality of life. There are several treatments available to help you deal with your joint pain. Some of these methods include prescription and over-the-counter drugs. These treatments are effective for relieving moderate-to-severe joint pain with swelling.I strongly suggest you to visit Chandler regenerative medicine to learn more about this.

Joint pain is an uncomfortable sensation that is caused by damage to the bones that connect the body. It can be caused by arthritis, injury, or rheumatic fever. In some cases, it can be fatal if not treated. A quick, convenient, and effective treatment is key. Joint pain treatment options vary by condition, so you should talk with your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

Your doctor will first order some tests to rule out other conditions and confirm a diagnosis. X-rays can reveal damaged joints and bone spurs. MRIs and ultrasounds can also give a detailed picture of your joint. These tests will determine the cause of your joint pain. If the cause of your joint pain is osteoarthritis, you will need to have more advanced imaging tests.

Treatment for joint pain may include a combination of lifestyle changes and medication. While self-care is the best option for mild pain, you may need more advanced treatment if your pain is persistent. You should listen to your body and find a doctor who will work with you to get the pain under control. You should also keep a journal of your treatments to help your doctor create a more effective treatment plan for you. You should also make sure to visit your doctor if you’re experiencing a lot of pain, as the condition may be more serious than it appears.

Physical therapy is another joint pain treatment option. Physical therapy includes exercises to improve mobility and electrical nerve stimulation. Anti-inflammatory medications may also be prescribed to help reduce swelling and pain around joints. Research-backed supplements may also reduce the symptoms of arthritis. Another option is to use hyaluronic acid injections to reduce inflammation and lubricate joints.

Surgery is a last resort for serious cases of joint pain. Although a surgery can relieve the pain, there are a number of risks associated with it. And the success rate is only 60-70%. If you want to have an operation, you should seek a qualified surgeon to perform your joint pain treatment.

Physical therapy for joint pain can help improve range of motion in your joints and reduce your risk of injury. It also helps strengthen the muscles around the painful joints. Some physical therapists use additional techniques, such as nerve stimulation, ultrasound, or heat and cold therapy. In general, physical therapy helps reduce joint pain and improve your quality of life.

If you have severe symptoms of arthritis, physical therapy may help. A therapist will prescribe customized exercises to improve mobility and range of motion. If necessary, a therapist will recommend a brace to help with stability. If you can’t tolerate physical therapy, a therapist can also prescribe you with exercises to do at home. One exercise you can do at home is the mini squat, which requires you to stand straight and bend your knees. Hold the position for six seconds. Alternate hot and cold treatments will also help with stiffness in your joints. If you experience joint pain, you should also consider avoiding processed and fried foods.


QC Kinetix (Chandler)
1100 S Dobson Rd, Suite 210
Chandler, AZ 85286
Phone No. : (602) 837-7246
